Лишь только потому что он долбит по щиту,кабы он не стрелял,ты бы вертелся как балалайка
Quote (Enjoy_The_Silence)
у окси нету нк
Почему же нету? Прикупил)
Добавлено (06.02.2012, 13:30) --------------------------------------------- hhhhhhe, Видео отличное,записывай в 1080,и будет высший класс! Skype: gigabyte707
Один я тут такой божественный и неповторимый?
Сообщение отредактировал OxygeN_707 - Понедельник, 06.02.2012, 13:34
# En- or disable the aimbot. (0) off (1) on aimkey (2) auto (3) triggerbot. # Values possible: Any INTEGER from 0 to 3 aim-bot=2
# Target selection. (0) distance (1) crosshair. # Values possible: Any INTEGER from 0 to 1 aim-priority=0
# Prefer non-moving targets. (0) off (1) on. # Values possible: Any INTEGER from 0 to 1 aim-standing=0
# Auto shooter. (0) off (1) on. # Values possible: Any INTEGER from 0 to 1 aim-shoot=1
# Pause between shots (save ammo). (0) off (x) time in msecs. # Values possible: Any INTEGER from 0 to 9999 aim-shootdelay=0
# Value to adjust prediction. # Values possible: Any FLOAT from 0.0000 to 1.0000 aim-predict=0.0000
# Set aimbot to aim thruwalls. (0) off (1) on *# (0) off (1) on aim-thruwalls=1
# Set minimum damage for thruwall, e.g. 0.4 = 40%. (0) off (x) value # Values possible: Any FLOAT from -1.0000 to 1.0000 aim-thruwallsvalue=-1.0000
# Virtual key code for aimkey. # Values possible: Any INTEGER from 0 to 255 aim-key=86
# Aimbot's field of view. Zero equals 360 degrees. # Values possible: Any FLOAT from 0.0000 to 180.0000 aim-fov=0.0000
# En- or disable random inaccuracy of aimbot. *# (0) off (1) on aim-random=0
# Amount of human/smooth aiming. Good value is 50. Set to zero for perfect bot. # Values possible: Any FLOAT from 0.0000 to 99.0000 aim-human=0.0000
# Aim higher/lower relative to aimspot. # Values possible: Any FLOAT from -99.0000 to 99.0000 aim-vecz=3.6660
# Set to one to aim at teammates. # Values possible: Any INTEGER from 0 to 1 aim-team=0 # En- or disable the radar. (0) off (1) on. *# (0) off (1) on radar-draw=1
# x coordinate of radar window. # Values possible: Any FLOAT from 1.0000 to 518.0000 radar-x=488.0000
# y coordinate of radar window. # Values possible: Any FLOAT from 1.0000 to 358.0000 radar-y=315.0000
# Width/hight of radar window # Values possible: Any FLOAT from 20.0000 to 120.0000 radar-size=115.0000
# Size of icon in radar window. # Values possible: Any FLOAT from 0.0000 to 32.0000 radar-icon=12.0000
# Range/Scale of radar. # Values possible: Any FLOAT from 0.0000 to 999.0000 radar-range=15.0000
# Background color of radar window. # Values possible: Any 4D VECTOR of float from 0.000000 to 1.0000 radar-colorbg=0.0000 0.5000 1.0000 0.3000
# Frame color of radar window. # Values possible: Any 4D VECTOR of float from 0.000000 to 1.0000 radar-colorfr=1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000
# En- or disable player ESP. (0) off (1) on. *# (0) off (1) on esp-draw=0
# ESP for enemies (1), team (2) or both (0). # Values possible: Any INTEGER from 0 to 2 esp-team=1
# Thickness of player bounding box. (0) off (x) size. # Values possible: Any FLOAT from 0.0000 to 10.0000 esp-box=0.8000
# Display player names. (x) length (0) off # Values possible: Any INTEGER from 0 to 16 esp-name=16
# Displayer player weapons. (0) off (x) length (-1) icons # Values possible: Any INTEGER from -1 to 16 esp-weapon=-1
# En- or disable player distance. *# (0) off (1) on esp-distance=0
# En- or disable visual player prediction. *# (0) off (1) on esp-prediction=1
# Show players thruwallsvalue's. (0) off (1) on. # Values possible: Any INTEGER from 0 to 1 esp-drawtwv=0
# En- or disable bone tags on models. (0) off (1) team (2) enemy (3) both. # Values possible: Any INTEGER from 0 to 3 esp-drawtags=2
# Show ESP on explosives. (0) off, (1) short text, (2) long text, (3) icons. # Values possible: Any INTEGER from 0 to 3 esp-grenades=3
# Show ESP on items. (0) off, (1) short text, (2) long text, (3) icons. # Values possible: Any INTEGER from 0 to 3 esp-pickups=3
# En- or disable red overlay if enemy can see you. *# (0) off (1) on esp-threatwarn=1
# Color of the threatwarn overlay. # Values possible: Any 4D VECTOR of float from 0.000000 to 1.0000 esp-threatwarncol=1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.1000
# ESP color of visible enemy. # Values possible: Any 4D VECTOR of float from 0.000000 to 1.0000 esp-colenemyv=1.0000 0.0000 0.5000 1.0000
# ESP color of visible friend. # Values possible: Any 4D VECTOR of float from 0.000000 to 1.0000 esp-colfriendv=1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000
# ESP color of invisible enemy. # Values possible: Any 4D VECTOR of float from 0.000000 to 1.0000 esp-colenemyi=0.0000 1.0000 0.8000 1.0000
# ESP color of invisible friend. # Values possible: Any 4D VECTOR of float from 0.000000 to 1.0000 esp-colfriendi=1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000
# Font to use for ESP. # Values possible: Any INTEGER from 0 to 10 esp-font=10
# Font size of ESP. # Values possible: Any FLOAT from 0.1000 to 3.0000 esp-size=0.3000
# Higher or lower ESP placement. # Values possible: Any FLOAT from -99.0000 to 99.0000 esp-height=-11.0000
# Only show nearby grenades / pickups. # Values possible: Any FLOAT from 0.0000 to 9999.0000 esp-nearby=3000.0000
# ESP fade on distance (transparency). (x) amount # Values possible: Any FLOAT from 0.0000 to 1.0000 esp-fade=1.0000
# Show crosshair (1), incl. crosshair name (2). # Values possible: Any INTEGER from 0 to 2 esp-crosshair=1
# Show ESP through walls or not. *# (0) off (1) on esp-thruwalls=1
# Virtual key code of Winamp spammer. # Values possible: Any INTEGER from 0 to 255 winamp-key=122
# Format of Winamp spam. Use %s for title. # Values possible: Any STRING with 0 and 64 chars winamp-text=<-- Listens to %s -->
# En- or disable statistics window. *# (0) off (1) on stats-draw=1
# x coordinate of statistics window. # Values possible: Any FLOAT from 10.0000 to 520.0000 stats-x=15.0000
# y coordinate of statistics window. # Values possible: Any FLOAT from 30.0000 to 399.0000 stats-y=360.0000
# Background color of statistics window. # Values possible: Any 4D VECTOR of float from 0.000000 to 1.0000 stats-colorbg=0.0000 0.5000 1.0000 0.3000
# Frame color of statistics window. # Values possible: Any 4D VECTOR of float from 0.000000 to 1.0000 stats-colorfr=1.0000 0.0000 0.6000 0.2000
# Text color of statistics window. # Values possible: Any 4D VECTOR of float from 0.000000 to 1.0000 stats-colortx=1.0000 0.6000 0.0000 1.0000
# Value color of statistics window. # Values possible: Any 4D VECTOR of float from 0.000000 to 1.0000 stats-colorvl=1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000
# En- or disable kill sounds. *# (0) off (1) on kill-sounds=0
# Draw alert on kill. (1) text, (2) text an icon. # Values possible: Any INTEGER from 0 to 2 kill-draw=2
# Name of subfolder relative to bot folder that holds kill sounds. # Values possible: Any STRING with 0 and 64 chars kill-folder=snd
# En- or disable weapon fire kickback removal. *# (0) off (1) on no-recoil=1
# En- or disable no spread removal. (0) off (1) on. *# (0) off (1) on no-spread=1
# En- or disable instant zoom. *# (0) off (1) on no-zoom=0
# En- or disable auto grenade throwback. *# (0) off (1) on auto-grenade=1
# En- or disable auto bash nearby enemies. *# (0) off (1) on auto-melee=1
# Virtual key code to toggle menu. # Values possible: Any INTEGER from 0 to 255 menu-key=123
# Background color of menu. # Values possible: Any 4D VECTOR of float from 0.000000 to 1.0000 menu-colorbg=0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.4000
# Frame color of menu. # Values possible: Any 4D VECTOR of float from 0.000000 to 1.0000 menu-colorfr=0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.8000
# Text color of menu. # Values possible: Any 4D VECTOR of float from 0.000000 to 1.0000 menu-colortx=1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.8000
# Text color of menu selection. # Values possible: Any 4D VECTOR of float from 0.000000 to 1.0000 menu-colorsl=0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.5000
# COD console key code to toggle. # Values possible: Any INTEGER from 0 to 255 con-key=162
# Font type for console text. # Values possible: Any INTEGER from 1 to 10 con-font=1
# Font size for console text. # Values possible: Any FLOAT from 0.1000 to 2.0000 con-fontsize=0.5000
# Font type for console hints. # Values possible: Any INTEGER from 1 to 10 con-font2=1
# Font size for console hints. # Values possible: Any FLOAT from 0.1000 to 2.0000 con-fontsize2=0.5000
# En- or disable in-game player tracking to recognize other cod7Bot users. *# (0) off (1) on tracker-allow=0
# En- or disable the tracker box window. *# (0) off (1) on tracker-box=1
# x coordinate of tracker box window. # Values possible: Any FLOAT from 1.0000 to 518.0000 tracker-box-x=10.0000
# y coordinate of tracker box window. # Values possible: Any FLOAT from 1.0000 to 358.0000 tracker-box-y=10.0000
# En- or disable tracker messages to COD console. *# (0) off (1) on tracker-msg=1
# En- or disable the tracker list window. *# (0) off (1) on tracker-list=0
# x coordinate of tracker list window. # Values possible: Any FLOAT from 1.0000 to 518.0000 tracker-list-x=200.0000
# y coordinate of tracker list window. # Values possible: Any FLOAT from 1.0000 to 358.0000 tracker-list-y=10.0000
# Virtual key code to toggle tracker list window. Default 165 (HOME). # Values possible: Any INTEGER from 0 to 255 tracker-list-key=165
# En- or disable the on screen radar (OSR). *# (0) off (1) on onscreen-draw=1
# OSR for enemies (1), team (2) or both (0). # Values possible: Any INTEGER from 0 to 2 onscreen-team=1
# Size of OSR icon. Set to 0 = distance based. # Values possible: Any FLOAT from 0.0000 to 99.0000 onscreen-size=14.0000
# OSR radius. # Values possible: Any INTEGER from 50 to 520 onscreen-radius=420
# Transparency for OSR icon. <if invisible> <if visible> # Values possible: Any 2D VECTOR of float from 0.0000 to 1.0000 onscreen-alpha=1.0000 0.6000
# Client number that will be ignored by the aimbot. -1: off. # Values possible: Any INTEGER from -1 to 18 target-friend=-1
# Client number that has highest priority on aimbot . -1: off. # Values possible: Any INTEGER from -1 to 18 target-enemy=-1
# En- or disable togglecrouch loop to prevent inactivity kick. *# (0) off (1) on anti-idle=0
# En- or disable auto quit match before map ends. *# (0) off (1) on anti-report=0
# En- or disable developer debug info. *# (0) off (1) on debug-info=1
# Virtual key code to disconnect from game. # Values possible: Any INTEGER from 0 to 255 hotkey-disconnect=118
# Virtual key code to quit game. # Values possible: Any INTEGER from 0 to 255 hotkey-quit=119