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Модератор форума: iEnjoy, FiLLiN  
Поиск оффсетов в MW2 для АимБота
KerchNET Дата: Пятница, 07.05.2010, 14:01 | Сообщение # 1
Сообщений: 230
Награды: 13
Это обучение для создания АимБота при присутствии программ game hook и Cheat Engine, сделав за несколько минут .. поиск ViewAngles для Аима.

Первым делом делам cg->refdefViewAngles.


typedef struct  
  char   pad[0x6E6D8];

  vec3_t   refdefViewAngles;  
}cg_t; // Latest MW2 as of 5/6/10 - 0x7F58B8

Then in your main frame hook\function lest draw some info to our screen.

Draw.Text(50, 500, 0.8f, Engine.va("ViewAngle X %f", cg->refdefViewAngles[1]), colorWhite);
Draw.Text(50, 520, 0.8f, Engine.va("ViewAngle Y %f", cg->refdefViewAngles[0]), colorWhite);

Ok now you are set to fire up MW2 and Cheat Engine.

Here we see that our ViewAngleY is 4.291. So in Cheat Engine do a search for a "float" value that is between two numbers. As you see I have put in 4.1 and 4.3. Click First Scan.

Now we have a huge list of offsets that are potential address locations of ViewAngles So lets change our viewpos to exclude some off these address' as possibles.

Right away we see in our list that there are now only two values in view that still match our ViewAngles that are being drawn in game.

Note: This is not always going to be the case, so after the first scan you can re-enter new values in Cheat Engine and click Next Scan to get rid of unwanted address'.

So now double click the address' that we have just found to still match. Now the last thing to do is Freeze the address and go back in game and try to move your view. If your view doesn't jump back to its original location these offsets are wrong. If it does jump back, congratulations you have found the offsets for your aimbot.

ViewAnlge Offsets for MW2 as of 5/6/10

X = 0xB36A44
Y = 0xB36A40

Have Fun smile

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