Короче (кто там ит из мод сделал?) они говорят что надо сделать пожертвования от16 баксов и будет тебе мод.
Donators get acces to the latest version of cmMOD. By donating you support our work, it gives us more time to put into developing this mod. This mod is completely safe to use, and you do not risk a ban if you fallow the steps in the tutorial that is in the package of the mod.
Donators from €12,50 + or $16USD + Will get acces to the latest version of cmMOD. Donators from €15,00 + or $20USD + Will get acces to the latest version of cmMOD & NadeTraining Mod. Donators are also allowed to give feedback on what to change and add, Donators are also allowed to use the mod in PCW’S, and clanwars. So they can war with friends and there clan.
Donations only to : rowan_aka_rowan-dinho[at]hotmail.com
This mod is only usable in PRIVATE matches up to 30 people.
Сообщение отредактировал DnacEr - Вторник, 22.02.2011, 22:53