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18.07.2009, 19:30

Изменения в версии 2.3:

Added: ammo crate parachute drop (weaponcontrol.cfg).
Added: message when trying to sprint while carrying the flag.
Added: humiliation sound and message for melee attack.
Added: flamethrowers for axis and allies (incl. obits and stats).
»» Tank can explode when hit. Configure in weaponcontrol.cfg (ex_ft_tank_explode).
Added: Gas and napalm minefields.
»» Warning: on/off setting for minefields changed.
Added: clan logo image code incorporated into mod (miscfeatures.cfg).
Added: american bomber model "Bell Memphis". Courtesy of {PST}Shanesaw
Added: command monitor "set endmap" (incl. stats and map vote).
Added: eXtreme+ RCON tool (modules player, map, weapon and server settings).
Added: all-weapons setting to get ALL weapons on primary and secondary menus.
Added: Call Vote delay (mapcontrol.cfg).
Added: option to disable stock maps for in-game voting system (mapcontrol.cfg).
Added: laserdot exclusion based on clan tag or screenname (playercontrol.cfg).
Added: laserdot monitor revived. Off, Always On, On when ADS, On when not ADS.
»» expanded functionality of ex_laserdot in playercontrol.cfg.
Added: satchel Charges as frag or smoke grenade replacement (incl. obits and stats).
Added: long range sniper rifles build into the mod, incl. scope zoom switching.
»» Now z_lr_rifles.iwd only needs modified iw_sounds2.csv and iw_impacts.csv.
Added: new knife model (SevenSniff). meleeDamage\100.
Added: live player statistics (stats dashboard; see miscfeatures.cfg).
Added: anti-run feature for Sniper/Tactical Servers (playercontrol.cfg).
Added: ambient flares with selectable efx type (ambientfx.cfg).
Added: game type Team King of the Hill (TKOTH).
Added: team auto-assign for non-clan players only.
»» Warning: setting ex_forceauto in playercontrol.cfg changed from on/off to multi!
Added: prevent certain weapons from being dropped (by weapon class).
Added: logprint statements in CTF, HQ and S&D to make external stats programs happy.
Added: disallowed weapons are removed from the map (for maps containing weapons).
Added: option to ignore clan voting for the end-of-game voting system.
»» ex_ignore_clanvoting in mapcontrol.cfg.
Added: melee & headshot bonus points available for all game types, except HM and LMS.
»» for teamkills you can decide to convert bonus points into punishment points.
»» WARNING: reward settings drastically changes in gametypes.cfg.
Added: possibility to remove spawn points not being used by the active game type.
»» miscfeatures.cfg/_ex_entities.gsc; for debugging “G_Spawn: no free entities”.

Changed: removed some particle effects and all smoke effects from fire nades (lag).
Changed: headpopping and zombie code completely removed.
»» Warning: dead body handling changed (ex_deadbodyfx in playercontrol.cfg).
Changed: napalm bomb effects trimmed.
Changed: special nades (fire and gas) have SharedAmmoCap of 3 now.
»» Limits pickup to a max of 3, like normal frag and smoke nades.
Changed: special nades (fire and gas) have matching fusetime now.
»» Also fixes a bug which enabled you to cook a nade and set a trip at the same time.
Changed: server messages main delay not related to number of messages anymore.
Changed: players don't get stuck in ceilings during warp (command monitor).
Changed: sv_invulnerabletime removed from server.cfg (was COD-UO related).
Changed: airstrikes being called in always drop bombs on target now (bomber only).
Changed: height calculation for planes (ambient and WMD planes/airstrike).
Changed: tripwires can be mixed nades (frag, smoke, fire, gas and satchel charges).
Changed: disabled MP_hit_alert.wav (_damagefeedback.gsc) to remove the annoying static when hitting friendlies with arty and napalm (friendly fire 2/3).
Changed: removed redundant self.pers["conseckill"] from _ex_obituary and _ex_main.
Changed: improved WMD artillery HUD icon.
Changed: redesigned rotating MOTD. It will not spam the log anymore.
Changed: optimized obituary.gsc MeansOfDeath conversion.
Changed: all scr_allow_ vars can now be combined with game type and/or map (e.g. set scr_allow_knife_mp_toujane "0").
Changed: weapon limiter code is now part of UpdateAllowed loop (removed ex_weaponlimit.gsc).
Changed: PDF Quick Setup Guide no longer digitally signed. All features enabled.

Fixed: you get sprint time after carrying the flag (heavy flag sprint bug).
Fixed: corrected defaults for sprint hud (1) and sprint hud hint (0).
Fixed: script errors by map announcer with player based rotation.
Fixed: game type DOM: incorrect flag change sound reference.
Fixed: surfacefx error on snowy maps (always precaching snow effect now).
Fixed: team balancing messages during statsboard.
Fixed: command monitor "set original" was missing localized strings.
Fixed: command monitor and punishments redone. Also fixed "set team".
Fixed: ambient airplanes/airstrikes not appearing/not dropping bombs.
Fixed: Startammo in sten_mp weaponfile correccted (192).
Fixed: scr_friendlyfire was limited by _ex_varcache to 2. Now set to 3.
Fixed: airstrikes being called in now work properly (skybox and timing problem).
Fixed: napalm airstrikes with friendlyfire 0/2 doesn't cause friendlies to burn until dying.
Fixed: when given team point for healing teammate, the HUD is updated right away.
Fixed: tripwire plant message showed when there was no need to.
Fixed: replenishGrenades from ammocrates doesn't take away nades anymore.
Fixed: laserdot default was black (0.0.0). Should have been red (1.0.0).
Fixed: announce() messages in HTF.
Fixed: obituary for sniper rifles show hitloc and distance again.
Fixed: commented "self thread setServerInfoDvars();" in game type CNQ.
Fixed: sprint code now uses 0.05 loop time again, so the sprint time will not get doubled.
Fixed: all clientside load errors after FS_Startup (except dx7 errors; not mod related).
»» Yes, even eliminated the notorious wm_quickmessage.menu errors.
Fixed: lantern error on some maps (e.g. mp_djerba).
»» Making sure level._effect is created in maps\mp\_load.gsc.
Fixed: URL in mod.str includes "www" now.
Fixed: active weapon could also become weapon on back.
Fixed: fire sound for kar98k_sniper_2_mp and springfield_2_mp (build into mod).
Fixed: statsboard spamming the log when player leaves the game when HUD is cleared.
Fixed: statusicon error when player enters the game during intermission procedures.
Fixed: statsboard efficiency -- suicides were counted twice (already included in deaths).
Fixed: game["draw_flag"] problem in SD and RBCTF.
Fixed: obituary OS aware; no localized string errors anymore.
Fixed: thompson_mp now has clipsize\30 (PDF says 40 -- sorry for that).
Fixed: CTF and CTFB were giving points for killing teammates.

Категория: Моды для CoD2 | Добавил: Admin
Просмотров: 7345 | Загрузок: 621 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 4.3/7

Всего комментариев: 1
1 Ko4evniK   (18.07.2009 21:43) [Материал]
сори что пишу что не по теме а можеш скинуть норм конфиг зомби сервера просто поставить хочу сервак но я в этом нуб