Версия игры: Последняя / Steam Функции: Одиночная игра: More dmg. (-256hp при попадании) One shot one kill. No reload. Unlimited ammo. Godmode. Noclip. No recoil. No bullet holes. Super jump. No gun sound. *новое Super knife. Adjust FOV. Remove gun. Show FPS. Adjust the max amount of bullets in your mag. (use hexadecimals) Adjust run speed. Set money in zombie mode. Боевая подготовка: Bulletproof. 1 shot 1 kill. (Для всех) No reload. Unlimited ammo. Enemy recoil. This is a fun feature. What it does is it gives you all the recoil including the recoil from your enemies' guns. I am not sure if it works online or not. Noclip. Norecoil. No bullet holes.(Для всех) Adjust run speed. show FPS. Разное: Crosshair on/off Change crosshair color to blue/red/green. Move Crosshair a little down to get it closer to the center. Autoclicker for shooting faster. Decimal to hexadecimal converter for the "Max ammo in mag" hack. Show HP. Hotkeys for the SP hacks. Crash stopper. Установка: 1. Запустить сингплеер или мультиплеер(боевую подготовку) 2. Запустить чит. 3. Играть. В Боевой Подготовке ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО выключите VAC в настройках сервера Проверен на http://www.virustotal.com/ |